5 Reasons to Track Non-Billable Time in Your Law Firm

5 Reasons to Track Non-Billable Time in Your Law Firm

One of the many reasons we believe NuLaw is worthy of your attention as a legal case management application is its built-in ability to easily track billable time. We realize how critical billable hours are to the average law firm. But guess what? Tracking non-billable...
Increase Billable Time by Working Smarter

Increase Billable Time by Working Smarter

You have probably heard the admonishment from efficiency experts to ‘work smarter, not harder’. Does it apply to practicing law? Absolutely. What’s more, the legal profession is saturated with old ways of doing things that do not make for very smart...
3 Ways to Apply the KISS Principle in the Modern Era

3 Ways to Apply the KISS Principle in the Modern Era

Back in the 1960s the U.S. Navy officially recognized what is known as the KISS principle. KISS is a design principle based in the idea that it is not wise to make things unnecessarily complicated. In true Navy fashion, the acronym behind KISS was pretty blunt and...
3 Signs Your Law Firm is Being Left Behind

3 Signs Your Law Firm is Being Left Behind

Everywhere you look are signs that the legal sector is in flux. The same technology the rest of the world was made comfortable with a decade ago is now forcing law firms to change the way they do things. You could make the case that the legal sector is being dragged...
Use Technology to Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Use Technology to Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Research into how U.S. workers spend millions of hours of their work time clearly shows that many of us are overworked. The startling data is not occupation specific, so it applies across nearly every employment sector in the country. That means attorneys are...