legaltech Archives - NuLaw A Flexible Practice Management Platform For Modern Law Firms Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:17:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 legaltech Archives - NuLaw 32 32 Feature Friday – Integrations Fri, 20 Nov 2020 14:17:07 +0000 When looking for the right practice management software for your firm, there is a laundry list of items that need to be checked off of the theoretical list. “Is my data secure on this platform?” “Is this software within my per-person budget?” “Can I track everyone in my firm’s progress using this software?” However, one [...]

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When looking for the right practice management software for your firm, there is a laundry list of items that need to be checked off of the theoretical list. “Is my data secure on this platform?” “Is this software within my per-person budget?” “Can I track everyone in my firm’s progress using this software?” However, one of the most important factors to consider is cost-effectiveness. What are you getting out of your practice management software? The key thing to ask yourself, is “am I able to maximize the consolidation of my day-to-day tasks using this platform?”. 

Indeed, consolidation is one of the most important organizational aspects of our day to day lives. When you make a grocery shopping list, do you make a separate list for each aisle, or do you make one single list for everything you need for your trip? When you’re moving to a new home, do you throw everything into random boxes, or do you strategically fit everything into as few categorized boxes as possible, in order to be more efficient (as well as cost-effective) in the process of bringing everything from point A to point B? When you are running your legal practice, do you want to conduct your day-to-day agenda by clicking in and out of different apps and tabs, or do you want to conduct your business efficiently, through the usage of a single, all-inclusive platform?

This is made possible by utilization of a platform that touts the ability to manage software integrations. Essentially, these integrations streamline day-to-day tasks, and make it easier to not only organize your firm from the top-down, while also improving the cost-effective efficiency with which your firm operates. Think about how much frustration and stress in the day that you can mitigate by not constantly sifting through different platforms just to accomplish one task for one case. Again, referring to the previous analogy- how hard would it be to unpack in your new house or apartment if all of your belongings are spread across multiple mixed-item boxes, when you could’ve just put specific belongings for specific rooms into a single box? With the properly organized moving boxes (properly coordinated integrations), you never have to stress out trying to think about whether you have lost or forgotten something again. Integrations are a proactive measure for any legal practice.

For example, think of a communication integration with a Case Management Software, such as chatter. According to a recent blog from ActiveCampaign, “[software integration] adoption increases the quality of communication between [employees] and managers by 56.9% — meaning less time spent on misunderstandings and more time spent selling.”  Additionally, the blog continues on to state “[Practice management] apps can increase sales productivity by up to 34%. The learning curve can be steep — although a strategic implementation process softens it — but the results are more than worth it and can save your sales team tons of time.” Why continue using a system that continually clutters and otherwise complicates your day, when you can bring in a new system that improves upon finance and efficiency for your practice?

NuLaw understands that consolidation is key to running any business more efficiently than ever before. That is why we have so many integrations available with our software. Powered by Salesforce, manage your firm’s day-to-day operations while utilizing software such as SharePoint, Outlook, Office 365, Gmail, Google Calendar, Quickbooks, airSlate, Adobe Sign, Docusign, and NuPay- all from the single NuLaw dashboard! Managing your firm from a single all-inclusive platform has never been easier, or more efficient. With NuLaw, enjoy the time-saving power of software that just works.

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5 Reasons Blockchain and Legaltech Go Together so Well Mon, 25 Mar 2019 12:31:26 +0000 If you are a big fan of Bitcoin and its many derivatives, we have some news for you: blockchain not just for cryptocurrency anymore. Blockchain technologies are being utilized for all sorts of applications from logistics to video games and practicing law. Here at NuLaw, we consider ourselves a leader in the legaltech sector. Our [...]

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If you are a big fan of Bitcoin and its many derivatives, we have some news for you: blockchain not just for cryptocurrency anymore. Blockchain technologies are being utilized for all sorts of applications from logistics to video games and practicing law.

Here at NuLaw, we consider ourselves a leader in the legaltech sector. Our law practice and case management software takes what used to be done via multiple software packages and combines it into an all-in-one solution. Moreover, NuLaw combines basic case management functions with the latest deep learning and AI technologies to put our clients at the cutting edge.

A big part of legaltech these days is blockchain. Applications are being developed with blockchain at the core, taking advantage of all of the best parts of the blockchain mindset to improve law practice and case management applications. To that end, here are five reasons blockchain and legaltech go together so well:

1. Smart Contracts Increase Automation

Smart contracts within a blockchain scenario are similar to the legal contracts that attorneys are familiar with. However, one key difference of smart contracts is that they execute automatically. We can use them to build automation into case management software so that things get done without always having to be managed by human beings.

For example, we can program a series of smart contracts that track billable hours and automatically use the data to generate invoices and populate billing records. Fulfillment of the first contract triggers the second, and then the third, and so on. It is all made possible through blockchain.

2. Blockchain Creates Permanent Records

A key component of blockchain technology is that it creates permanent records. More importantly, blocks cannot be altered or removed once added to the chain. This is important to the legal sector inasmuch as the creation of permanent records equals the creation of permanent evidence. Developers in the legaltech sector can use this to build better case management software.

3. Blockchain Is Decentralized

Another key component of blockchain is that it is decentralized at its core. For example, Bitcoin’s blockchain exists as a combination of computer code and a distributed ledger found on multiple computer nodes around the world. No single entity – not even a central bank or government agency – controls it.

The same principle is easily applied in the legal arena. Decentralized blockchain applications can be used to create a more collaborative environment among the various members of a law office. It can be extended to promote collaboration among multiple offices. It can improve collaboration between law offices, courts, and government agencies.

4. Blockchain Invites Participation

If we have learned anything from blockchain over the years, it is the fact that it invites participation from people who would otherwise not get involved. In the cryptocurrency space, blockchain encourages the participation of investors, exchanges, miners, and every day crypto users.

In legaltech, blockchain technologies invite participation among software developers, law firms, courts, police agencies, and clients. All have a seat at the table, and all can participate in the process by utilizing case management software as it pertains to their needs.

5. Blockchain is Constantly Evolving

Last but not least, blockchain technology is open source technology. That means it is always evolving as new players take existing platforms and improve on them. The open-source principle is what allows software developers to take Ethereum’s blockchain and create useful applications from it.

Blockchain is changing the world in ways people are not even aware of. It is also changing what we do in the legaltech sector. That’s because blockchain and legaltech go together so very well.

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Legaltech: What Is It and Why Should I Care? Mon, 04 Feb 2019 18:20:03 +0000 The legal profession is undergoing a transformation unlike anything the industry has seen before. This transformation can be encapsulated in a single word: legaltech. If your law firm is not on board with legaltech yet, you need to either change that or accept the risk of falling behind. So, what is legaltech? We will answer [...]

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The legal profession is undergoing a transformation unlike anything the industry has seen before. This transformation can be encapsulated in a single word: legaltech. If your law firm is not on board with legaltech yet, you need to either change that or accept the risk of falling behind.

So, what is legaltech? We will answer that question in this post. We will also explain why you should care. Suffice it to say that legaltech is disrupting the legal environment in ways no one would have thought possible just a couple of decades ago. At the forefront of the disruption is software. And at the forefront of that software is NuLaw.

What is legaltech?

The word ‘legaltech’ is a shortened version of ‘legal technology’. Tech experts use the term in much the same way they use ‘fintech’ to describe financial technology. The best definition of legaltech we have seen comes from a June 2018 article published by Fintechnews Switzerland:

“Legal technology, also known as legaltech, refers to the use of technology and software to help law firms with practice management, document storage, billing, accounting and electronic discovery.”

It’s easy to understand legaltech if you compare it to something as simple as a web browser. Prior to the dawning of the internet age, we all did business either in person or over the phone. If you needed to purchase something, you went to the store and bought it. If you needed to speak to your real estate agent, you either visited the office or made a phone call. The web browser changed all that.

Today, you can do everything from buying consumer goods to chatting with your real estate agent via a web browser. Browser software and the technology behind it has literally revolutionized how we do business. Likewise, legaltech is changing how attorneys practice law.

Why should I care?

Now that you understand what legaltech is, you may be wondering why you should care. It is quite simple. Your law firm is a business first. You may have gotten into law out of a desire to help people seek justice, but you’re not going to be able to help clients if you can’t sustain a viable business. That’s just reality.

Competing in the modern environment means keeping up with what the legal industry is doing. The thing is, many of your competitors are already heavily invested in legaltech. If your law firm continues to do things in the way it has always been done – which is to say you don’t embrace legaltech – it will eventually become irrelevant. Your competitors will far outpace you using technology that makes them more efficient, more client friendly, and more productive.

What is NuLaw’s role?

We assume your law firm wants to effectively compete. As such, we encourage you to seriously consider NuLaw. NuLaw is a software solution built on the Salesforce platform, one of the most widely used CRM platforms in the world. Not only is NuLaw your introduction to legaltech, it stands for your best opportunity to compete.

NuLaw has a range of built-in features designed to make your firm more efficient. For example, NuLaw automates some of the routine tasks your firm’s staff now handle manually. NuLaw features an advanced calendaring module that makes keeping track of client meetings, court dates, and a variety of deadlines more efficient.

NuLaw is an all-in-one case management and CRM platform hosted in the cloud. It is legaltech in every sense of the term. That’s important because legaltech is here to stay. Your firm needs to either get on board or risk falling behind.

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