3 Ways Law Practice is Driving Legal Tech

3 Ways Law Practice is Driving Legal Tech

Observing the current state of legal tech is akin to watching the proverbial tail wagging the dog. Is new legal technology changing the way law firms do business? Absolutely. But are law firms also dictating the direction of legal tech? You bet. The two industries are...
Master Your Billing to Protect Clients

Master Your Billing to Protect Clients

Legaltech News published a fascinating piece on April 8 from contributor Nathan Cemenska, a piece that talked about the consequences of overbilling in the modern law practice. It touched on everything from minimum billable hours to some of the standard practices that...
The Marriage of Case Management and SaaS Nearly Complete

The Marriage of Case Management and SaaS Nearly Complete

Little more than a decade ago it was difficult to find a law firm that truly understood the benefits of the cloud for case practice management. In fact, not a lot of law firms were familiar with cloud computing in general. What knowledge did exist was limited by...

Why Combine Case Management and CRM?

We are asked all the time what separates NuLaw from legacy case management software applications apart from the fact that it is based in the cloud. Such an open-ended question is very difficult to answer without actually demonstrating our software to customers. But if...

Reducing Attorney Stress with New Case Management Software

Practicing law is a rewarding career that offers a comfortable living and an opportunity to help people in need. But it is also very stressful. It is so stressful, in fact, that mental health professionals are increasingly concerned about the legal profession. One way...