AI Archives - NuLaw A Flexible Practice Management Platform For Modern Law Firms Tue, 02 Apr 2019 00:36:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AI Archives - NuLaw 32 32 How Salesforce’s Einstein AI Makes NuLaw Better Tue, 02 Apr 2019 00:36:53 +0000 We are not shy about the fact that NuLaw is built on the popular Salesforce customer relationship management (CRM) tool. Salesforce has an incredibly positive reputation around the world as being the go-to CRM tool for businesses of all sizes. One of the things that makes it such a strong contender is its built-in artificial [...]

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We are not shy about the fact that NuLaw is built on the popular Salesforce customer relationship management (CRM) tool. Salesforce has an incredibly positive reputation around the world as being the go-to CRM tool for businesses of all sizes. One of the things that makes it such a strong contender is its built-in artificial intelligence (AI).

Salesforce introduced a new component to its AI in 2018 in something they call ‘Einstein‘. By making Salesforce even better, Einstein makes NuLaw better as well. Between Salesforce’s AI and a NuLaw’s focus on creating the best law firm case management software out there, NuLaw users are positioned to be leaders rather than followers.

More about Salesforce Einstein

Salesforce Einstein is an AI platform built around the concept of deep learning. The brilliant minds at Salesforce have created a series of algorithms capable of taking data, analyzing it, and applying deep learning principles to make it more usable than it has ever been.

If you are not familiar with the concept of deep learning, it involves transforming unstructured data into something useful. Deep learning algorithms are based on artificial neural networks built from software.

A good deep learning algorithm can take a ton of unstructured data and analyze it. Then, by comparing it to other known data sets, it can learn from the unstructured data to draw conclusions. The unstructured data can then be reorganized, re-analyzed, and transformed into usable data for any number of purposes.

What It Means for Salesforce and NuLaw

Deep learning obviously has a ton of applications for CRM. When applied to our industry, it makes law firm case management software better. Here are three practical examples:

1. Case Acquisition

Salesforce Einstein applies deep learning to customer and CRM case data to determine what it takes to turn potential clients into paying clients. The same principle exists within NuLaw. AI enables our software to identify those cases and clients most likely to come on board. NuLaw then combines that data with automation tools to deliver qualified, compiled cases directly to a law firm.

2. Marketing

Next, Salesforce’s AI is capable of analyzing how potential clients respond to marketing materials. Through analytics and deep learning, NuLaw can apply the same principle to legal marketing. Marketing materials can be analyzed and adjusted in order to elicit a more positive response among a larger group of potential clients.

Moreover, both case acquisition and marketing data can be combined to create stronger results across the board. This leads to higher-quality and a larger volume of cases at the same time.

3. Collaboration

Perhaps the most important aspect of Salesforce Einstein is its built-in connectivity. Simply put, Einstein applies analytics and deep learning to the data used by every department in a given organization. But it doesn’t stop there. It connects all that data in usable ways that facilitates collaboration between departments.

When we bring that over to NuLaw, we end up with law firm case management software that connects every data point used by each department in the local office. We no longer have a scenario in which the accounting department is using one set of data, the billing department another, and attorneys and their clerks still another data set. They are all using the same data connected at points relevant to each department. This enables office-wide collaboration that ultimately increases both efficiency and productivity.

Thanks to Salesforce Einstein’s AI capabilities, law firm case management practice software will never be the same again. Einstein represents but one of the reasons we built a NuLaw on Salesforce.

The post How Salesforce’s Einstein AI Makes NuLaw Better appeared first on NuLaw.

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